How your business can apply for a EORI number in Spain as foreign company

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In the context of global business, expanding your operations to foreign countries often requires navigating through complex bureaucratic processes. One such procedure is obtaining the Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number, which is indispensable for companies conducting import or export activities within the European Union (EU). In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through the step-by-step process of how to apply for an EORI number in Spain as a foreign company.

Understanding EORI: What is it?

Before we delve into the application process, let’s first understand what an EORI number is. EORI stands for Economic Operators Registration and Identification. It’s a unique number assigned by customs authorities in the EU to businesses involved in the import or export of goods within the EU.

The EORI system is designed to make customs operations more efficient, facilitating the tracking of imports and exports, ensuring compliance with customs regulations, and contributing to statistical and security purposes. Obtaining an EORI number is a mandatory requirement for customs clearance within the EU.

Who Needs an EORI Number?

The EORI is required for a wide range of economic operators. This includes:

  • Any economic operator (individuals or companies) established within the customs territory of the EU involved in activities subject to customs legislation.
  • Economic operators not established in the EU who are involved in customs activities in the EU, such as customs declarations, Entry Summary Declarations (ENS), and Exit Summary Declarations (EXS).
  • Non-EU traders who act as carriers, temporary storage facility operators, or who apply for the status of Authorized Economic Operator.

Now that you have an understanding of the EORI number and who needs it, let’s walk through the process of how to apply for an EORI number in Spain as a foreign company.

Step-by-Step Process to Apply for EORI in Spain

1. Preparing the Necessary Documents

Before you start your application process, make sure you have all the necessary documents ready. These include:

  • An identification document (for individuals): This could be your National Identification Number (NIE) if you’re a Spanish national, or your passport if you’re a foreign national.
  • Proof of company registration: This is a document proving your company is legally registered in your home country.
  • Any other documents required by the Spanish Tax Agency (Agencia Tributaria).

Remember, all these documents must be properly translated into Spanish.

2. Submission of the Application

The main application process for obtaining an EORI number in Spain is conducted online. You can apply for the EORI number through the website of the Spanish Tax Agency (Agencia Tributaria). It’s important to note that you must apply for the EORI number in the EU member state where you first conduct your import/export activity.

3. Validation of EORI Number

After submitting your application, the Spanish Tax Agency will review your documents and, if everything is in order, assign you an EORI number. This number is unique to your company and will be used for all your import/export activities within the EU. The EORI number doesn’t expire, so you can use it for as long as your company is active.

4. Using Your EORI Number

Once you have your EORI number, you can start using it for customs operations. Remember to provide this number to customs authorities whenever you’re involved in import/export activities.

EORI Number Structure

The EORI number consists of two parts:

  • A country code of the issuing Member State (2 letters). For Spain, it’s ‘ES.’
  • An identifier unique in the Member State. This can be up to 15 alphanumeric characters long.

For companies or individuals established in Spain, the EORI number will typically be the country code (‘ES’) followed by their tax identification number (NIF). For non-EU companies, the EORI number will have a slightly different format, which includes the country code (‘ES’), the letter ‘K’, and an 11-digit alphanumeric code.

House of Companies: Your Partner for EORI Registration in Spain

Applying for an EORI number in Spain as a foreign company can be a complex process. But with the right guidance and assistance, it doesn’t have to be. At House of Companies, we offer a self-governance portal that allows you to apply for an EORI number in Spain without the need for local experts or setting up a local entity.

Our fixed yearly fee service ensures you can focus on your business operations while we take care of the bureaucratic processes. Our mission is to make global business expansion as seamless and straightforward as possible.

House of Companies was founded by Dennis Vermeulen in 2007 with the vision of ‘Globalisation as a Service.’ We aim to make legal processes understandable and actionable, disrupting traditional consultancy practices. With our help, you can obtain your Spanish EORI number and start your journey towards successful business expansion in Spain. Apply for your EORI number in Spain now!


Obtaining an EORI number is a critical step for businesses looking to conduct import or export activities in the European Union. The process can be complex, especially for foreign companies unfamiliar with the EU’s customs regulations. However, with the right guidance and support, you can successfully navigate this process and secure your EORI number in Spain. Whether you’re just starting on your global expansion journey or an established business looking to broaden your horizons, understanding and successfully navigating the EORI registration process is a key step towards your success.

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